Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Each of the parameter fields indicates the currently selected dynamic
data file name for that parameter.
A selection of “None” will cause the
parameter to remain at its current value.
Characteristics of each file are displayed when the parameter is selected
by touching the parameter field (the selected field is highlighted).
Scroll through the stored file names using the
Scroll Up
arrow keys. Pressing the
advances from file Menu #1 to
File Menu #2. Pressing the
key loads the displayed files and
returns to the main dynamic display.
S c ro ll Do wn Ke y
Once the file menu is displayed and a parameter field is selected, the
Scroll Down
key will cause the displayed file name to scroll downward
through the list of file names that are valid for that parameter and are
currently stored on the internal storage medium.
S c ro ll Up Ke y
Once the file menu is displayed and a parameter field is selected, the
Scroll Up
key will cause the displayed file name to scroll upward
through the list of file names that are valid for that parameter and are
currently stored on the internal storage medium.
Dyn a m ic De la y, Atte n u a tio n , Fre q u e n c y Offs e t, P h a s e
Offs e t a n d AWGN Op e ra tio n
Figure 2-21. Dynamic Delay display
Once the file loading sequence is complete, the display will continue to
the Dynamic Delay display, and the 1st point of each file is pre-loaded