First In Chain Troubleshooting
The three-pin header next to the Repeater ID DIP
switch can enable a repeater with an ID other than A
to become the first repeater in a chain.
See “First in Chain Applications” on page 41 for
more information on advanced first in chain appli-
cations and networks.
Note: Any repeater with ID A or that does not need to be a first in chain repeater should have the first in chain
jumper left in the default position.
Communication Troubleshooting
Depending on the complexity of the repeater network, communication problems between
the station(s), repeater(s), and receiver could consist of a number of factors. To solve
communication problems in the network, try to isolate the source of problem, which
could be the station, repeater, or receiver. Use the following table to help determine
which part of the network might be causing problems:
Default First In Chain
Jumper Position
(top two pins)
Error Type
ion Error
Transmission Error
Station not transmitting.
Turn on station’s test mode and
check if the station’s test LED is
flashing to determine if station is
transmitting. If not, replace batter-
ies, and make sure a console
brought within range can directly
receive its signal. If not, call techni-
cal support.
er Errors
Reception Errors
Repeater is not receiving signal
from station, or previous repeater.
Move repeater closer to a station to
find a signal.
User Errors
Station or repeater ID information
not set correctly on repeater, or
Check station IDs on repeater, ver-
ify repeaters are set up sequential-
ly. See error codes above for list of
errors and solutions.
Product Errors
The repeater never gets a signal.
If possible, use a Vantage Pro2 Up-
dater to update firmware on the
console. If still experiencing prob-
lems, call technical support.
ver Er
Reception Errors
Cannot receive a signal from the
Use console diagnostic screen to
determine strength of signal, or use
WeatherLink diagnostic support.
Call technical support.
User Errors
Repeaters and/or stations not
configured in Setup Mode or con-
figured incorrectly.
In Screen 2 of Setup Mode, recon-
figure the station and repeater in-