With the setting below, the console is set up to receive an ISS station on transmitter ID
1 from repeater A.
6. Press DONE to continue to the other screens in the Setup Mode, or press and hold
DONE to return to the Current Weather Mode.
Note: See the
Vantage Pro2 Console Manual
for more information on the other screens in Setup Mode if
To verify that setup was successful, in the console’s Current Weather Mode:
View the transmitter information displaying at the bottom of the console screen.
If the transmitter ID being repeated is displayed and an “X” flashes in the bottom
right-hand corner of the ticker tape, the transmitter is being repeated and received by
the console successfully.
The repeater’s information also displays at the bottom of the console’s diagnostics
Choosing a Location
After wireless communication between the station, repeater and receiver have all been
tested, choose a location that best suits the wireless communication needs of all three
units. Along with the radio-link requirements discussed in “Wireless Repeater Introduc-
tion” on page 4, other considerations should be kept in mind when choosing a location:
• Range may be reduced by walls, ceilings, trees, foliage, hills, a metal roof or other
large metal structures or objects such as aluminum siding, metal ducts, metal framing,
concrete rebar, and metal appliances.
• Frequency interference also reduces transmission distance.
• Transmission between wireless units may be obscured by something unidentifiable, or
by some obstacle that can’t be worked around.
• For best results, orient all antennas so that the antennas are parallel to each other.
• If possible, align the pivot joints of the antennas so they are facing each other for
maximum signal strength.
• If possible, mount the wireless repeater as high as possible (on a pole or atop a
building) to overcome transmission limitations caused by the ground. See “Mounting
the Wireless Repeater” on page 30 for more information.