Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Normal Repeater Operation
When the repeater is in Test Mode (Repeater DIP Switch #4 is on) the STAT and TX
LEDs should display the normal operation light pattern to let you know the repeater is
receiving packets and transmitting them correctly. The Light Pattern is:
Repeater Troubleshooting Error Codes
In addition to showing that the repeater is receiving station information and retransmit-
ting it normally, the TX and STAT LEDs can display error codes corresponding to config-
uration or communication problems when the repeater is in Test Mode. The STAT LED
flashes numbered error codes in red or yellow. After the error code is displayed by the
STAT LED, the TX LED may flash the corresponding transmitter ID associated with the
error. Also, it is possible for a repeater to display more than one error at a time.
The error codes are listed by the number of STAT LED flashes.
Error 1 (One Flash)
Station ID or IDs not found.
Repeater Behavior
Besides retransmitting the IDs forwarded by the previous repeater in the chain (except
repeater A), the repeater also retransmits data from the station(s) that were turned on
using the Transmitter ID DIP switches. Error 1 indicates that some of the stations can not
be heard by the repeater directly. If it is not able to acquire all of the selected stations, the
STAT LED flashes red once. If it can communicate with some of the selected stations but
not all of them, the STAT LED flashes yellow once. The TX LED then flashes the Station
ID(s) it cannot find. For example, if the repeater cannot find Station IDs 1 and 3, the TX
LED flashes once for ID 1, followed by a short pause and then flashes three times for ID
The repeater is not in range to receive signals from some station(s), the station ID is not
set correctly on the repeater, or the station is not transmitting correctly. Try moving the
repeater for better reception or checking the Transmitter DIP switch to make sure the cor-
rect station(s) are selected. See your station’s manual for information on verifying and
troubleshooting your station’s transmitting problems.
Blinking Red
Unaquired signal detected
Blinking Yellow
Blinking Green
STAT LED: Receiving packets bull all transmitter
IDs not yet acquired. TX LED: Repeating the ac-
quired IDs.
Blinking Green
Blinking Green
STAT LED: Receiving all packets. TX LED: Re-
peating the acquired IDs.