Wireless Repeater Overview
Davis Wireless Repeaters can be used with any Vantage Pro2 wireless station to retrans-
mit weather data to a Vantage Pro2 compatible receiver (Vantage Pro2 or Vantage Vue
console, Weather Envoy
). The wireless repeater is used to extend the distance between
one station and a receiver, or in conjunction with other repeaters to create a flexible net-
work of stations and repeaters.
Note: These repeaters are fully compatible with Vantage Vue weather stations. Please refer to your
Vue Console Manual
, Appendix C: Repeater Configuration, for specific Vantage Vue configuration
instructions. (The manual can be found on our web site at www.davisnet.com/support.) Please note that
the illustrations in this manual often depict multiple transmitters which are only supported in Vantage
Pro2 and Envoy.
Note: If your Vantage Pro2 console or Envoy has firmware older than May 2005, it does not have the capability
to see and configure wireless repeaters. To check your console’s firmware, press the DONE and up
arrow (+) keys. The firmware revision date displays in the ticker tape section of the console. To check
your Envoy’s firmware in WeatherLink, select Console Diagnostics from the Reports Menu and view the
firmware date displayed. If the console or Envoy firmware version is older than May 2005, a Vantage
Pro2 Updater must be used to update the console or Envoy. Contact Technical Support about acquiring
an Updater for your console or Envoy. See “Contacting Davis Technical Support” on page 39.
Included Components and Hardware
The Wireless Repeater comes with the components and hardware shown in the following
illustration. Some of the hardware might not be used, depending on how the repeater is
Shelter for
3-Volt Lithium
8" Cable Ties
1/4" x 1-1/2"
Lag Screws
1/4" Flat Washers
1/4" Lock Washers
1/4" Hex Nuts
110 Volt AC
Power Adapter
Shelter for
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