Testing a Proposed Location
After a suitable location has been chosen in an area between the station and console, it is
very important to test reception between the station, repeater, and console before perma-
nently mounding the repeater.
1. Place the repeater in the desired location.
2. Put the repeater back in test mode (turning the Repeater DIP #4 switch on) if test mode
has been turned off. If the repeater LEDs flash the normal operation light pattern (The
STAT LED flashing green with the TX LED flashing green), the repeater is success-
fully receiving a signal from the station.
3. In the console’s Current Weather Mode (the screen that displays in the console’s nor-
mal operation), view the station ID number displaying in the bottom of the screen. If
the station ID displaying is the station transmitting through the repeater, the console is
successfully receiving a signal from the wireless repeater.
4. Once the console successfully receives a signal from the repeater, press WIND to see
the wind direction field. When the degree (º) sign is visible in the center of the wind
compass rose, the strength of the signal coming from the station transmitter to the
repeater is displayed. See “Network Signal Strength” on page 32 for more information
on this field and its importance.
Note: This signal strength is only displayed while the repeater in test mode.
5. Turn the repeater DIP switch #4 off once the test is complete, otherwise it will signifi-
cantly shorten battery life.
6. Close the repeater enclosure.