35. ESC _
Restore factory defaults and save them to nonvolatile RAM
[1Bh] + [5Fh]
[Outline] Select font A, no bold, no underline, etc. Restore tab defaults. The parameters are read from the
flash memory. Downloaded font and downloaded bit image are cleared. Copy internal fonts A and
B to user fonts. DIP switches are read again.
Data in the input buffer is not cleared.
[See also] ESC @
36. ESC
Transmits the current power supply voltage and the print head temperature.
[Outline] The printer transmits two bytes data. First byte is the power supply voltage given as 0.1 mV plus
20h. the second byte is the print head temperature, in degrees Celsius, plus 20h.
[Example] If the battery voltage is 6.4 V, and the print head temperature is 33°C, the printer will transmit
<60h><41h>, which is <40h+20h><21h+20h> or <64+32><33+32>.
37. ESC a n
Aligning the characters
1Bh] + [61h] + n
{0 <= n <= 2}
{4 <= n <=6 }
[Outline] This command is extended and has the following format:
All the printed text data, the bar code or the raster bit image (GS v0) within one line are aligned in
the specified position. If used before printing a bar code with this command can be specified
vertical direction for printing the bar code.
• Depending on n value, positional alignment is carried out as in the table below:
Left end alignment
Right end alignment
Left end aligned vertical bar code
Centered vertical bar code
Right end aligned vertical bar code
[Default] • The initial value of n is "0".
38. ESC c5 n
Enabling/Disabling Panel Switches
[1Bh] + [63h] + [35h] + n
{0 <= n <= FFh}
[Outline] Selecting the LF switch valid/invalid.
• "n" is valid only in the lowest bit (n0).
• "n" bit means the followings.
LFSW valid.
LFSW invalid.
[Caution] When the panel switch is disabled with this command, the LF switch is disabled. Therefore, the
paper cannot be fed by operating the LF switch.
[Default] • The initial value of n is "0".
39. ESC d n
Printing and Feeding the paper by n lines
[1Bh] + [64h] + n
{0 <= n <= FFh}
[Outline] Prints data inside the buffer and feeds paper by n lines.