• An underline is attached to the full character width, which, however, is not attached to the part
having been skipped by the horizontal tab. Neither is it attached to 9-right-turned characters.
• The underline width is as having been specified by <ESC - >. (The default setting is 1 dot width)
• In case that double wide character and normal character exist in same one line, the layout of
underline is consistent one.
[Default] n = 0
[See Also] ESC E, ESC –
12. ESC * m n1 n2 [ d ] k
Specifying the Bit Image Mode
[1Bh] + [2Ah] + m + n1 + n2 + D
+ … + D
{m= 0, 1, 32, 33 bit image mode (See the table below.)}
{0 <= n1 <= FFh}
{0 <= n2 <= 3}
{0 <=d <=FFh)
{k = n1 + 256 X n2 (m = 0, 1)
{k = (n1+256 X n2) X 3} (m = 32, 33)
[Outline] According to the number of dots specified in n1, n2, specify the bit image of mode m.
• The total number of dots printed in the bit image is equal to n1 + (256 x n2).
• When bit image data have been input in excess of dot position of one line (384 dots) , the excess
data are discarded.
• d is bit image data, the bits subject to printing are taken as "1" and those not as "0".
• The bit image modes specified by m are shown as follows:
Vertical Direction
Horizontal Direction
Dot Density
Dot Density
Max. Dots
8-dot single density
67 DPI
101 DPI
8-dot double density
67 DPI
203 DPI
24-dot single density
203 DPI
101 DPI
24-dot double density
203 DPI
203 DPI
[Caution] • When the values set in m (bit image mode) are out of the above range, the data following after n1
is processed as normal printing data.
• After completion of bit image printing, printer returns to normal data processing mode.
The command has another variant with four new modes:
ESC * m n[ d ] k
ESC * m n a f [ d ] k
Specifying the Bit Image Mode (Sending graphics data horizontally)
[1Bh] + [2Ah] + m + n + { a + [00h] } +D
+ … +D
{m = 16, 17, 18, 20 bit image mode }
{0 <= n <= 40h}
{0 <= d <= FFh}
{k = n * 24
48} (m = 16)
{k = n * 24 * 48} (m = 17) { After decompression }
{k = n * h * 48} (m = 18) { After decompression }
{k = n * 24 * 48} (m = 20) { After decompression }
{0 <= a <= 24 (Used only for mode 18.)}
{f = 0 (Used only for mode 18.)}
[Outline] In these graphics modes is sent a graphics block with variable width n*8 dots and height 24 dots
for modes 16,17 and a dots for mode 18. In mode 17 data is compressed, and the bytes count
specified is before the compression. In mode 16 the same data is without compression. Mode 20 is
similar to mode 17, but every byte is mirrored before putting in the print buffer (bits 0 and 7, 1 and
6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4 change places). All modes are high resolution (203 x 203 DPI).