PIP effect (
), which stands for Picture in Picture. As you might guess, this effect requires a Main and Sub
Video Source. Assuming you have valid inputs on Channel 1 and 2, select Channel 1 as the Main Source
and Channel 2 as the Sub Source. When you engage the effect by pressing the PIP button (and verifying
that the LED on the button is lit), on the program monitor you will have Channel 1 as the Main Source and
Channel 2 as a smaller window inset. There are two choices for window size. Change these by pressing the
buttons, see below. You can position this window using the other five different position buttons on
), with the button set to Position Control (LED is lit). You could also add a border by turning on the Border
control (
Next, try the Freeze effect (
) to grab a still frame of the Main Source video. Move the T-Bar to manually
dissolve to the Sub Video Source.
For more information, see
Using Effects
page 27