EXTENSION CABLE is available in stan-
dard lengths of one, two and five
meters. Extension cables connect to
SMARTPAX QC units to extend
smartlinks or to PAX projector adaptors
(no longer manufactured).
Extension cables may be daisy-chained.
When used with a projector adaptor,
however, the total extension cable length
should not exceed 10m as a longer
cable may result in an unacceptable volt-
age drop and impaired performance.
If you use a chain of extension cables
make sure that you test the rig thorough-
ly before use to check that any voltage
drop stays within acceptable limits.
© Copyright 1999 by Dataton AB, Sweden. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Document reference no. 3700/8–8
Art. No. 3451
Art. No. 3452
Art. No. 3455
1m (40”)
2m (80”)
5m (200”)
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