About this Manual
This manual describes how to install and set up your DT9820 Series
function module and DT9820 Series device driver, and verify that
your module is working properly.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for engineers, scientists, technicians, or
others responsible for installing and setting up DT9820 Series
function modules to perform data acquisition operations. It is
assumed that you are familiar with the requirements of your
application. It is also assumed that you are familiar with the
98, Windows Me (Millennium Edition),
Windows 2000, or Windows XP operating system.
How this Manual is Organized
This manual is organized as follows:
describes the key features of the DT9820
Series hardware and the DT9820 Series software, and provides an
overview of the DT9820 Series getting started procedure.
“Preparing to Use a Function Module,”
describes how
to unpack the DT9820 Series package, check the system
requirements, install the DT9820 Series software, and view the
DT9820 Series documentation online.
“Installing a Function Module,”
describes how to
install the DT9820 Series function module.
“Configuring the Device Driver,”
describes how to
configure the device driver and the function module.