SRM6200E-SLC User’s Guide
PN 161-09990-002C
rev 3/29/04
To change the crossover switch remove the SRM6200E-SLC from the Allen-Bradley SLC500 Slot Rack. Under the edge of
the enclosure is a black and silver slide switch (S3- Diagram 3, page 24). If connecting to an Ethernet hub, the crossover
switch should be set in the straight through (left) position. If connecting to a PC, PLC or most other Ethernet interface
equipped devices, the crossover switch should be set in the crossover (right) position.
Note: The SRM6200E-SLC will not support “Peer to Peer” communications. The equipment that is attached to the
SRM6200E-SLC must be capable of operating in a “Master (host) to Remote” network
It is recommended that a “Ping” test be done at this point. This can be done in either direction, but remember that only a
“Master to Remote” or “Remote to Master” connection can be established through the modems. Also note that because of
the MAC filtering done by the modems, if you take a piece of Ethernet equipment on one side of the SRM6200E-SLC
network and move it to the other side of said network, you must power down both the “Master” and the effected “Remote” in
order to re-establish connectivity through the modems. If powering down the modem is not practical to the applications, the
modems will rebuild the MAC filter table in approximately six minutes and communications should return. Once a successful
“Ping” test has been done, the modems are ready for communication. If the “Ping” test was not successful, please refer to
the trouble shooting section of this manual or contact Data-Linc Group tech support for assistance.