PN 161-09990-002C
rev 3/29/04
SRM6200E-SLC User’s Guide
Main Menu Option (0): Set Operation Mode
When item (0) is selected, the Operation Mode Menu appears as shown in figure 2. The Operation Mode option is used to
designate the method in which the particular SRM6200E-SLC will be used. The SRM6200E-SLC operates in a master to
remote configuration; therefore, any radio modems that are intended to operate together must be set up as such. In a point-
to-point setup, either the Master or Remote may be used on either end of the communications link. One consideration when
setting up the radio modems is that a number of parameters are controlled by the settings in the Master; therefore, you may
wish to deploy the Master on the communications end where you will have easier access to the radio modem.
Figure 2: Mode Menu
Shown below are example settings. Please refer to supplied configuration sheets for your modem’s configuration.
(0) Point-to-point Master
The SRM6200E-SLC operates in a master/remote configuration. When designated as a master in point-to-point mode,
the radio modem will call any or all remotes it is instructed to call in the call book. The Master determines the settings
used for all Radio Transmission Characteristics (except power), regardless of the settings in the remotes and/or
(1) Point-to-Point Remote
When set up as a point-to-point remote, an SRM6200E-SLC will communicate with any master in its call book, either
directly or through one or two repeaters. When functioning as a remote, the Entry to Call feature in the radio modem’s
call book (Figure 3) is not operational. The remote will communicate with any master on the list that calls.
(2) Point-to-Multi-Point Master
The SRM6200E-SLC may be set to run in multi-point mode, which allows one master to simultaneously be in
communication with numerous remotes. A point-to-multi-point master will communicate only with other radio modems
designated as point-to-multi-point remotes or point-to-multi-point repeaters.
(3) Point-to-Multi-Point Remote
Setting (3) allows the radio modem to operate as a remote in a multi-point network.
Please refer to the section entitled multi-point operation, for more information on running a multi-point network.