05721-1098 <90-00050>
Remove the fuse from the fuse module for Shelf B, slot 2 (Shelf B
slot 14 fuse #2). MAT alarm point #5 should come on. After observ-
ing the failure on the MAT replace the fuse. This is the West DSM
power supply monitor alarm.
Remove a fuse from the fuse module and replace it with a blown
fuse. Point 7 on the MAT should come on. This is the blown fuse
alarm. The fuse module alarm LED should also come on. After
observing the alarm condition, replace the fuse.
If any of the other alarm points are used for local alarms, they can
be tested and the associated LED from the alarmed point can be
observed at this time.
The synch light on the associated 46112 DSM will come on when
the assembly is connected to the 64Kb channel and it is receiving
framed data from the other end of the 64Kb channel.
If the synch lights do not come on after connection to known good
64Kb fiber optics channels, the associated synch alarms on the
MAT will be on indicating a synch failure. Point 1 is for an East
synch failure and point 4 is for a West synch failure. Recheck the
connections to the fiber terminals to make sure that the connection
between the DSMs and the fiber terminals are correct. Verify that
the connecting DB-15 cable is straight with no nulls in it. Verify
that the associated DSM at the other end of the link is attached to
its fiber terminal. Alarm point 3 will also be on if there is no com-
plete continuity around the system from the West to the East and
point 6 will be on if there is no continuity from East to West.
After the synch lights come on, use a null modem and connect an
ASCII device such as a notebook computer to the desired port for
the chosen LSO to be tested. Use a terminal mode, such as the one
in the T/Shell editor. When the user operates the key board, one RX
LED and two TX LEDs, on the appropriate 46034, should turn on.
These LEDs should turn on and off following the keyed informa-
tion. The TX LED on the associated active 46113 modules should
also follow the keyed inputs. See table 1 of A18-05721-XX drawing
for port assignments. Set the terminal mode for 1200 baud, a word
length of 8, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Key in TL1 commands for the
attached TL1 device. A "COMPLD" message indicates successful
communication. Check all active ports. After verifying that all ports
are good, the ports can be connected to the inputs for the Datakit.
Using a null modem, connect the notebook computer to C1 on the D
shelf. The baud rate is 1200 baud from the factory. Create local
alarms on the MAT and observe the TL1 messages on the GPP.
Step M and N require that the ring be up in both directions to all
sites. If the ring is not up in both directions, MAT points 3, 6 and 9
will be on and all of the transfer relays will be energized. (If point 3
is on, there is a failure in the West to the East direction.) Discon-
nect the East receive fiber from the fiber optics terminal. MAT
point 3, level A on the MAT, and relay modules 12A and 13A will
energize. (Observe LEDs on relay modules.) Connect the notebook
In the event of a failure,
as well as during instal-
lation, the RX SYNC
LED is an important in-
dication of the sound-
ness of the 64KB side of
the DSM system. This
LED appears as either
on or off if there is no
synchro-nization signal
When the 46112 DSM
receives a good synchro-
nization signal the RX
SYNC LED appears to
turn on solid. A closer
exami-nation however,
reveals that the LED is
actually alternating on
and off at a very high
rate. The LED appears
to flicker slightly.
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