05721-1098 <90-00050>
receive data is shifted to the East to West direction. The transmis-
sion is now around the ring in the East to West, counter-clockwise
direction, while the receive is still in the same direction. The East
to West pair is intact with no fault detected on it.
If there was a failure on the system from the East to the West,
Relays 10A and 11A would energize. The transmit path would
remain West to East, but the receive path direction reverses so
that it, too, is West to East.
If there is a cut causing failures in both directions, this will cause
ring fault detect alarms in both directions and all of the transfer
relays 10A to 13B would operate. Data transmission and reception
would then go both directions from the Service Node. Data would
be transmitted from the West to the East up to the break location
and data would be received from the break in the East to West
direction. Every LSO on the West side of the break would report in
this manner. Every LSO to the East of the break would now
transmit data from the West to the East direction and the LSOs
would receive from the East to West direction. There would be no
conflict of data because of the complete opening of the system at
the break location.
The MAT at the Service node will monitor the alarm conditions,
assigned as follows:
Point 1 = East Sync alarm
Point 2 = East DSM Power Supply alarm
Point 3 = Continuity East Loss of Signal alarm
Point 4 = West Sync alarm
Point 5 = West DSM Power Supply alarm
Point 6, 9 = Continuity West Loss of Signal alarm
Point 7 = Blown fuse alarm
Point 8 = Customer use (logic for points 1 to 8 reversed)
Points 10 to 16 for customer use
The MAP, being polled by the GPP, will pass the detected alarms
to the GPP. The GPP will then create TL1 messages based on the
alarm inputs from the MAP. The database created for the GPP
can be generic in nature so that all systems could be databased the
same with only the SIDs being different. The user would only have
to change one entry in the data base for each MAP database
entered into the GPP. The GPP can support up to 50,000 TL1