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The Speakon
connector for amplifier channel 1 carries the output for amplifier channels
1 and 2. In addition this connector can also be used if the pair of amplifier channels is
being operated in bridged mode.
More than one speaker can be connected to each channel provided the total impedance
per channel is not less than
2 ohms
. In bridged mode the minimum total impedance
should not be less than
4 ohms
100V line operation
A single channel of an DNA5K4 can deliver 1250W in to 2 Ohms, therefore the RMS
voltage at the speaker terminals when delivering this will be
(1,250 x2) = 50V.
If each channel is not loaded to full capacity of 1,250W (typically a 70V / 100V application
will not load it this heavily) then the voltage will be higher than this because the power
rails will not be sagging so much; approximately 60V.
Dependent on which voltage you use, a single channel will drive a 70V line to within either
3dB or 1.3dB of maximum and it will drive a 100V line to within 6dB or 4.5dB of
A bridged pair of channel can deliver 2,500W in to 4 Ohms which equates to an RMS
voltage of 100V or approximately 120V with a lower load than the full 2,500W.
Dependent on which voltage you use with a bridged pair of channels, the DNA5K4 will be
able to overdrive a 70V line by either 3dB or 4.7dB and a 100V line being driven perfectly
or overdriven by 1.6dB.