6000 HVAC
MG.60.G2.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss Trademark
Point Mapping Table Notes:
Point numbers that appear in brackets { } may be unbundled at the field panel.
Note 1:
Note 1:
Note 1:
Note 1:
Note 1:
LAI stands for “Logical Analog Input.” This is an analog value that the VLT 6000 provides to the
FLN network. Itsvalue is a feedback indicating the status of a physical input to the drive.
LAO stands for “Logical Analog Output.” This is an analog output from the FLN network to the
VLT 6000. It is used to control the operation of the drive.
LDI stands for “Logical Digital Input.” This is a digital (ON/OFF) signal from the VLT 6000 to the
FLN network. It indicates the operation of the drive.
LDO stands for “Logical Digital Output.” This is a digital (ON/OFF) signal from the FLN network to
the VLT 6000. It is used to control or indicate the operation of the drive.
Note 2:
Note 2:
Note 2:
Note 2:
Note 2:
Points 29 and 99 are present but not used in this application.
Note 3:
Note 3:
Note 3:
Note 3:
Note 3:
These points will accept any value within the range of the point even though the drive has
different upper and/or lower limits for these points. This is because the upper and lower limits for
these points can vary depending on settings of other points or the drive size. Consult the
6000 Operating Instructions
for values.
Twelve special read-only points can be used for checking if the value actually changed or the
change was rejected. These 12 read-only points should also be used for monitoring database
COVs which the others cannot.The read-only points are designated by a descriptor similar to
the original point with a suffix “.S” added.
Below is a list of pairing where the points in parenthesis are the read-only points:
30 (45), 38 (46), 39 (47), 50 (48), 51 (49), 57 (54), 58 (55), 61 (42), 69 (95), 70 (96), 71 (97), 72
Note 4:
Note 4:
Note 4:
Note 4:
Note 4:
The default value depends on the drive. Consult the
VLT 6000 Operating Instructions
for values.
Note 5:
Note 5:
Note 5:
Note 5:
Note 5:
When LOCK PANEL is set to LOCK, the “Hand Start”, “Off Stop”, “Auto Start” and “Reset”
keys on the VLT 6000 keypad will be disabled. Four parameters in the drive will change
simultaneously. Local programming of the drive will also be locked except for parameter 016,
Lock for Data Change,
which can disable the programming lock.
Note 6:
Note 6:
Note 6:
Note 6:
Note 6:
Consult the
VLT 6000 Operating Instructions
for choice options.
Note 7:
Note 7:
Note 7:
Note 7:
Note 7:
The number 32767 equals 200% of Bus Ref range value.
Note 8:
Note 8:
Note 8:
Note 8:
Note 8:
Use Table 7,
Faults, Warnings and Alarms
, to determine the FAULT or WARNING corresponding
to a number.