controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07
AK-PC 772A
8. Set monitoring of compressor
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9. Set operation time for compres-
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10. Set Misc. functions
The settings only apply to the
relay that cuts the compressor
motor in and out.
They do not apply to unloaders.
If the restrictions overlap, the
controller will use the longest
restriction time.
In our example we use:
- Common high-pressure pressure
control for all compressors
- One general safety monitoring
unit for each compressor
(The remaining options could have
been selected if specific safety
controls for each compressor had
been required).
Set min. OFF-time for the compres-
sor relay
Set min. ON-time for the compres-
sor relay
Set how often the compressor is
allowed to start
Readout of the capacity on every unloading 0-100%.
7 - Safety
Emergency cap. day
The desired cut-in capacity for daily use in the case of emer-
gency operations resulting from error in the suction pressure
sensor/ media temperature sensor.
Emergency cap. night
The desired cut-in capacity for night operations in the case
of emergency operations resulting from error in the suction
pressure sensor/ media temperature sensor.
Sd max limit
Max. value for discharge gas temperature
10 K below the limit, the compressor capacity should be
reduced and the entire condenser capacity will be cutin.
If the limit is exceeded, the entire compressor capacity will
be cutout
Pc Max limit
Maximum value for the condenser pressure in bar
3 K below the limit, the entire condenser capacity will be
cutin and the compressor capacity reduced.
If the limit is exceeded, the entire compressor capacity will
be cutout.
Tc max. limit
Limit value read in °C
Pc Max delay
Time delay for the alarm Pc max
T0 Min limit
Minimum value for the suction pressure in °C
If the limit is reduced, the entire compressor capacity will be
T0 Max alarm
Alarm limit for high suction pressure P0
T0 Max delay
Time delay before alarm for high suction pressure P0.
Safety restart time
Common time delay before restarting the compressor.
(Applicable to the functions: "Sd max. limit", Pc max. limit"
and "T0 min. limit).
SH Min alarm
Alarm limit for min. superheat in suction line.
SH Max alarm
Alarm limit for max. superheat in suction line.
SH alarm delay
Time delay before alarm for min./max. superheat in suction
8 - Compressor safety
Common safety
Choose whether an overall, common safety input for all
compressors is desired. If the alarm is activated, all compres-
sors will be cutout.
Oil pressure etc
Define here whether this type of protection should be con-
For "General", there is a signal from each compressor.
Individuel Sd pr. compressor
Select whether an Sd measurement should be made for each
Max discharge temp.
Cutout temperature.
Sd compressor alarm delay
Delay time for the alarm
Sd compressor safety cutout
Set whether safety cut-out should be enabled
9 - Minimum operation times
Configure the operation times here so "unnecessary opera-
tion" can be avoided.
Restart time is the time interval between two consecutive
Safety timer
- Cutout delay
The time delay resulting from drop-out of automated safety
measures and until the compressor-error is reported. This
setting is common for all safety inputs for the relevant
- Restart delay
Minimum time that a compressor should be OK after a safety
cut-out. After this interval it can start again.
In our example we do not use
these functions.
Configuration - continued