RS8GM222 © Danfoss 10-2014
AK-CC 750 - 080Z0130 & 080Z0139
The controller offers quite a number of status displays which
are invaluable in connection with operational start-up and
Thermostat function
Display of S3 air admission
Display of S4 air emission
Display of weighted S3/S4 thermostat temperature
Min., Max. and Average thermostat temperature / 24 hours
Average thermostat coupling in % / 24 hours
Running time for cutin period in progress or for the last cutin
Alarm thermostat
Display of weighted S3/S4 alarm temperature
Min., Max. and Average alarm temperature / 24 hours
Percentage of time where the alarm temperature was outside the
limits / 24 hours
Product sensor
Display of the temperature at the product sensor
Min., Max and Average of product temperature / 24 hours
Percentage of time where the product temperature was outside
the limits / 24 hours
Injection function
AKV opening degree in %
Average opening degree / 24 hours
Evaporating pressure
S2 gas temperature
Superheat reference
Actual defrost status
Degree of icing-up of evaporator
Duration of on-going or last defrost
Average duration of the last ten defrosts
Duration of cooling-down after defrost
Defrost sensor temperature
Number of planned and skipped defrosts
Operating time last 24 hours
Total operating time
Number of couplings last 24 hours
Total number of couplings
Door contact
Door contact status
Duration of last opening
Number of openings last 24 hours
Opening time last 24 hours
Rail heat
Dew point
Actual duty cycle
Appliance cleaning
Time of last cleaning
Duration of last cleaning
Input and output status
Status display of all inputs and outputs
Manual overriding of all outputs
Regulating status
The controller goes through some regulating situations. You can
see the actual situation here.
When operating with AK-ST the text is written on the screen for
the section. When operating from AKM the operating status is a
numerical value.
The values are, as follows:
0: Refrigeration stopped from Main Switch
1: Start-up phase for the injection function
2: Adaptive regulation of the superheat
3: -
4: Defrost
5: Start-up after defrost
6: Forced closing
7: Injection function failure
8: Sensor error and emergency refrigeration
9: Modulating thermostat control
10: Melting function is active
11: Open door
12: Case cleaning
13: Thermostat cutout
14: Forced refrigeration
15: Shut down
Defrost state
During and immediately after a defrost the defrost status will be:
1: Evaporator is emptied
3: Defrost
5: Evaporating pressure is lowered
6: The liquid injection is delayed
7: Fan delay
Installation considerations
Accidental damage, poor installation, or site conditions, can give
rise to malfunctions of the control system, and ultimately lead to a
plant breakdown.
Every possible safeguard is incorporated into our products to
prevent this. However, a wrong installation, for example, could still
present problems. Electronic controls are no substitute for normal,
good engineering practice.
Danfoss wil not be responsible for any goods, or plant compo-
nents, damaged as a result of the above defects. It is the installer’s
responsibility to check the installation thoroughly, and to fit the
necessary safety devices.
Particular attention is drawn to the need for a “force closing” signal
to controllers in the event of compressor stoppage, and to the
requirement for suction line accumulators.
The controller is not built for use on plate heat exchangers.
Please contact Danfoss if you require help concerning the posi-
tioning of sensors, transmitters, etc.
Your local Danfoss agent will be pleased to assist with further
advice, etc.