RS8GM222 © Danfoss 10-2014
AK-CC 750 - 080Z0130 & 080Z0139
Configuration - continued
1. Go to Configuration menu
Press the orange setup button with the spanner at the bottom
of the display.
2. Select Authorization
3. Change setting for the user ‘SUPV‘
4. Select user name and access code
5. Carry out a new login with the user name and the
new access code
To activate the new settings you must carry out a new login to the con-
troller with the new user name and the relevant access code.
You will access the login display by pressing the "Home" at the top left
corner of the display.
This is where you can select the supervisor for the specific system and a
corresponding access code for this person.
The controller will utilize the same language that is selected in the
service tool but only if the controller contains this language. If the
language is not contained in the controller, the settings and readings
will be shown in English.
When the controller is supplied it has been set with standard authoriza-
tion for different user interfaces. This setting should be changed and
adapted to the plant. The changes can be made now or later.
You will use this button again and again whenever you want to get to
this display.
On the left-hand side are all the functions not shown yet. There will be
more here the further into the setup we go.
Mark the line with the user name
Press the button
Press the line
to get to the user setup display.