Danaher Motion Superior Electric
Section 4: Specifications
SS2000 D3 AND D6
All Windings Off Input
When this signal is low, AC and DC current to the motor will be zero. T
here is
no holding torque when the AWO signal is low
RDCE Reduce Current Input
The motor current is 50% of the selected value when this signal is low.
torque is also reduced when this signal is low
BOOST Boost Current Input
When this signal is low, the motor current is 150% of the selected level up to a
maximum of 6 amperes.
RESET Reset Input
The translator goes to the "power up" state when this signal goes low.
READY Ready Output
This pin is the emitter of an opto-isolator that activates when the drive is ready
to run a motor.
4.7.3 Level Requirements
Voltage .................... 4.5 to 6.0 VDC
Current .................... 20 mA per signal used
Voltage .................... 4.5 to 6.0 VDC (depends on OPTO)
Current .................... 0.5 mA source
Other Signals
Low................... 0.8 VDC
0.0 VDC
High.................. OPTO
OPTO - 1 volt
Low................... 20 mA
High.................. 0.2 mA
4.7.4 Timing Requirements
Max. Frequency....... 1 megahertz
Max. Rise and
Fall Times................ 1 microsecond
Min. Pulse
Width....................... 0.4 microseconds
Other Signals
Response Time ....... 50 microseconds
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