A warning represents a dangerous situation or action that could result in personal injury or death.
Caution represents a condition or action that may result in damage to the camera or permanent loss of
Attention represents useful information for the user.
Important – Read before using the instrument
WARNING – This instrument has a built-in laser transmitter. Do not stare at the laser beam. The laser
specification is 635 nm, 0.9 mW, second order.
CAUTION – As the camera uses a very sensitive thermal sensor, under no circumstances (power on or
off) should the lens be aimed directly at a strong radiation source (such as the sun, direct or reflected
laser beam, etc.), otherwise the camera will be permanently damaged!
Caution-The original packing box must be used during transportation. Do not shake or hit the thermal
imager strongly during use and transportation.
CAUTION – It is recommended that the camera be stored in the original container in a cool, dry,
ventilated environment free of strong electromagnetic fields.
CAUTION-Avoid staining and damaging the lens surface with oil and various chemicals. After use,
close the lens cap.
Caution-To prevent potential data loss, copy (back) the data to your computer frequently.
Note-The camera may require a 3-5 minute warm-up period before accurate readings can be taken.
Note-Temperature calibration is performed on each thermal imager when it leaves the factory. It is
recommended to perform temperature calibration every year.
CAUTION-Do not open or modify the enclosure without authorization. Only authorized personnel of
the company can carry out maintenance.