–EIMWC00803-21_01EN - 25/57
General specifications
Refer to the specific wiring diagram for the unit you have bougth. Should the wiring diagram not be on the unit or should it
have been lost, please contact your manufacturer representative, who will send you a copy.
In case of discrepance between wiring diagram and electrical panel/cables, please contact the manufacturer
All electrical connections to the unit must be carried out in compliance with laws and regulations in
All installation, management and maintenance activities must be carried out by qualified personnel.
There is a risk of electric shock.
The units of the series can be provided with non-linear high power electrical components (inverters) which introduce higher
harmonics, can cause considerable leakage to earth, (higher than 300 mA).
The electricity supply system protection must take the above values into account.
Before any installation and connection works, the unit must be switched off and secured. Since this
unit includes inverters, the intermediate circuit of the capacitors remains charged with high voltage
for a short period of time after being switched off.
Do not operate to the unit before 20 minutes after the unit has been switched off.
Electrical equipment is capable of operating correctly in the intended ambient air temperature. For very hot environments
and for cold environments, additional measures are recommended (contact the manufacturer representative).
The electrical equipment is capable of operating correctly when the relative humidity does not exceed 50 % at a maximum
temperature of +40 °C. Higher relative humidities are permitted at lower temperatures (for example 90% at 20 °C).
Harmful effects of occasional condensation shall be avoided by design of the equipment or, where necessary, by additional
measures (contact the manufacturer representative).
This product complies with EMC standards for industrial environments. Therefore it is not intended for use in residential
areas, e.g. installations where the product is connected to a low voltage public distribution system. Should this product
need to be connected to a low voltage public distribution system, specific additional measures will have to be taken to
avoid interference with other sensitive equipment.
Electrical supply
The electrical equipment can operate correctly with the conditions specificed below:
Steady state voltage: 0,9 to 1,1 of nominal voltage.
0,99 to 1,01 of nominal frequency continuosly
0,98 to 1,02 short time
Harmonic distortion not exceeding 10 % of the total r.m.s. voltage between live conductors for
the sum of the 2nd through to the 5
harmonic. An additional 2 % of the total r.m.s. voltage
between live conductors for the sum of the 6th through to the 30th harmonic is permissible.
Voltage unbalance
Neither the voltage of the negative sequence component nor the voltage of the zero sequence
component in three-phase supplies exceeding 3 % of the positive sequence component.
Voltage interruption
Supply interrupted or at zero voltage for not more than 3 ms at any random time in the supply
cycle with more than 1 s between successive interruptions.
Voltage dips
Voltage dips not exceeding 20% of the peak voltage of the supply for more than one cycle with
more than 1 s between successive dips.
Power wiring
Power wiring to compressors must be in proper phase sequence. Motor rotation is set up for clockwise rotation facing the
lead end with phase sequence of 1-2-3. Care must be taken that the proper phase sequence is carried through the starter
to compressor. See wiring diagram.
The Daikin start-up technician will determine the phase sequence.