example above then it will dose the single add cap amount for each dose and then the last will be
the remainder to make up the exact amount needed.
Add KH interval:
The gap between each automatic dose of KH buffer is determined by the ‘Add KH
Interval’ setting, if the amount needed is greater than the single add cap. This setting can be used to
spread dosing out between tests, it should be noted that enough time needs to be allowed between
the last dose and the next test for the KH buffer to have mixed fully through the system and taken
For example, if using the information in the examples above, you are performing 4 tests a day (one
test every 6 hours), the total add cap is 5ml and the single add cap is 1ml. From the information the
maximum amount of times it could possibly dose is 5 times (1ml + 1ml + 1ml + 1ml + 1ml = 5ml), the
goal will be to spread this out between the last test and the next test. The KH Manager will take
approximately 25-30 minutes to perform a complete test cycle so there are 5 hours 30 minutes (330
minutes) to complete the dosing as it is testing every 6 hours. If the add KH interval is set to 60
minutes it can perform the 5 doses and still allow 30 minutes for the KH level to adjust before the
next test (5 x 60 minutes = 300 minutes).
To set the interval tap on ‘Add KH Interval’, then select the white box at the top of the page, enter
the amount in minutes followed by ‘Done’, finally tap save in the top right corner to confirm and
return to the settings page.
KH Buffer Concentration:
It is possible to use different brands of KH buffer solution with the KH
Manager. For this to work correctly you need to program the concentration of the solution you are
using into the machine. To do this tap on ‘KH Rise Reagent Brand’, in the next page there are two
options ‘Kamoer’ and ‘Other’ if you are using Kamoer’s KH buffer then the strength is already
programmed into the machine, simply tap on ‘Kamoer’ so that the blue tick is shown next to
‘Kamoer’, then select ‘Save’ in the top right corner. If you are using another brand tap on ‘Other’ to
select it and then enter the details of the buffer solution in the boxes below under the heading ‘Set
Concentration of Reagent’. These details are usually displayed on the product bottle. To change each
value, tap on the box in the app to bring up the keyboard, carefully enter the amount, then select
done. Once the values are set select ‘Save’ in the top right corner to save and return to the settings
Once all the settings are completed tap on the blue arrow in the top left corner to exit.
In this mode a user defined program is set up that the KH Manager follows, in the same way a
programable dosing pump is used. However, if set, the machine can automatically vary the dose
based on the test results to combat under or over dosing. This mode is useful if the KH consumption
of the tank is constant and known. For example if you need to add 12ml of KH buffer solution to your
aquarium each day, on average, to maintain a constant KH level you can set up a program telling the
machine to add 0.5ml every hour throughout the day, if the automatic KH tests indicate the KH is
starting to creep up then the machine will automatically decrease the 0.5ml dose, if the KH is
starting to fall it will automatically increase the amount being dosed. The programming that the
machine uses to work out the variance is user defined and can be done based on a percentage or
Содержание KH Manager