FM4, S6E2DH/S6E2DF/S6E2D5/S6E2D3 Series, 32-Bit Microcontroller, Graphic Driver User Manual, Doc. No. 002-04387 Rev. *A
Example: The following images are used
Surface 1 color channels
Surface 2 color (RGB)
Surface 2 alpha (A)
channel (A)
Surface 3 alpha (A) channel
A blit operation will show the following result depending on the bounded surfaces
Blend Operation
Blend with external alpha
STORE=Surface 1
SRC=Surface 2
STORE=Surface 1
SRC=Surface 2
DST=Surface 1
STORE=Surface 1
SRC=Surface 2
DST=Surface 1
MASK=Surface 3
All geometry related settings like translation, scaling or mirroring can be calculated using matrices. Each source
surface can get its own matrix, so different translations for source buffer and blend destination are possible. The
coordinate center is per default the lower left corner of each surface so a simple copy instruction will copy the source
surface to the lower left corner of the store surface.
Furthermore, the connected surfaces (STORE, SRC, DST and MASK) can have different properties like color format
dimension or compression. Not all properties are supported for each pipe configuration. Surface properties may also
restrict other blit features. For instance it is not possible to rotate a compressed image. The mmlGdcPeBlt call
reports an error if the given properties cannot be applied to the hardware. In this case the application developer
must simplify the blit operation or may split it into 2 separate blit instructions with a temporary buffer.