FM4, S6E2DH/S6E2DF/S6E2D5/S6E2D3 Series, 32-Bit Microcontroller, Graphic Driver User Manual, Doc. No. 002-04387 Rev. *
4. Overview
4.1 2D Graphics Driver parts
As shown in the Introduction the 2D Graphics Driver consists of different modules. The following sub-pages will give
an overview about the function of some of these modules. Beside these overview pages this document includes a
detailed API documentation for each module.
4.2 Surface Overview
4.2.1 Surface objects
The 2D Graphics Driver uses ’surface objects’ to store information about video memory blocks representing an
image, a frame buffer and similar things. That means the surface contains the related information about memory
address(es), color format, dimension, compression format and more.
The following diagram shows the generic usage of a surface object.
Figure 2. Surface usage
Not all hardware blocks can operate with each surface format. Please check the related API description about the
supported formats.
See Surface API for details.