S6E2CC/C5/C4/C3/C2/C1 Series Flash Programming Specification, Document Number: 002-04913 Rev. *D
1.3.3 Explanation of MainFlash Memory Operation
The operation of the MainFlash memory is explained for each command. Flash Erase Operation Sector Erase Operation Sector Erase Suspended Operation Sector Erase Restart Operation Read/Reset Operation
This section explains the read/reset operation.
To place the flash memory in the read/reset state, send read/reset commands to the target sector consecutively.
Because the read/reset state is the default state of the flash memory, the flash memory always returns to this state when
the power is turned on or when a command finishes successfully. When the power is turned on, there is no need to issue
a data read command. Furthermore, because data can be read by normal read access and programs can be accessed by
the CPU while in the read/reset state, there is no need to issue read/reset commands. Write Operation
This section explains the write operation.
Writes are performed according to the following procedure.
1. The write command is issued to the target sector sequentially
The automatic algorithm activates and the data is written to the flash memory.
After the write command is issued, there is no need to control the flash memory externally.
2. Perform read access on the address that was written
The data that is read is the hardware sequence flags. Therefore, once bit7 (the DPOL bit) of the read data matches the
value that was written, the write to the flash memory has finished. If the write has not finished, the reverse value
(inverted data) of bit7 written at the last command sequence (PD) is read out.
shows an example of a write operation to the flash memory.