FR Family MB91460 Series, Flash Programming, Doc. No. 002-05153 Rev. *A
15. SK-91467C-144PMC
This chapter describes the needed settings for programming the MB91F463C, MB91F465C or MB91F467C on
the starterkit SK-91467C-144PMC.
The SK-91467C-144PMC is a multifunctional evaluation board for the Cypress 32bit flash microcontroller
MB91F463C, MB91F465C and MB91F467C in LQFP100 package. It supports also MB91F465B, MB91F467B
and MB91F464H if the external bus interface is not used. The board is used stand-alone for software
development and testing.
Figure 15-1: Connection to starterkit SK-91467C-144PMC
For serial asynchronous programming SUB-
D9 connector X6/UART “A” which is connected to UART4 has to be
used. Following jumper setting is depending on the used device needed: