CY8CKIT-046 PSoC® 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. #: 002-03344 Rev. *D
and level translators operating on VDD or 3.3 V domain. Hence, it is recommended to use the board
with the jumper present or with an ammeter connected across the jumper connections.
Expansion Connectors
Arduino-compatible Headers (J1, J2, J3, J4, and J12)
This kit has five Arduino-compatible headers on the main board–J1, J2, J3, J4, and J12. Header J1
is marked 11 and headers J2, J3, and J4 are marked 13 in
. You can develop
applications based on the Arduino shield’s hardware.
The J1 header contains I/O pins for reset, I/O reference voltage (IOREF), and a power supply line.
The J2 header is an analog port that contains I/O pins for SAR ADC, comparator, and opamp. The
J3 header has I/O pins that support connection to the PSoC 4200L communication blocks. The J3
header is primarily a digital port that contains I/O pins for PWM, I2C, SPI, and analog reference. The
J4 header is also a digital port that contains I/O pins for UART and PWM. The J12 header is an
Arduino ICSP-compatible header for the SPI interface and is not populated. Refer to the “No load
components” section of
“Bill of Materials” on page 86
for the header part number.
Additional Functionality of Headers J2, J3, J4
The J2 header is a 6×2 header that supports Arduino shields. Similarly, headers J3 and J4 are 10x2
and 8x2 headers, respectively. On the non-Arduino side (even pins - Pin 2, 4, 6, and so on) of the
headers, pins from PSoC 4200L are brought to these headers for general-purpose use. See
“Onboard Peripherals” on page 83
for details about onboard peripheral connections to the pins on
the headers.
Functionality of Header J12 (unpopulated)
The J12 header is a 2×3 header that supports Arduino shields. This header is used on a small sub-
set of shields and is unpopulated on the PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit.
Pmod Connector J5 – Digilent Pmod-compatible (unpopulated)
This port supports Digilent Pmod peripheral modules (marked 8 in
). Pmods
are small I/O interfaces that connect with embedded control boards through either 6-pin or 12-pin
connectors. The PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit supports the 6-pin Pmod type 2 (SPI) interface. For
more details about Pmods, go to
This header is not populated on the PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer board. You must populate this header
before connecting Pmod peripheral modules. Refer to the “No load components” section of
for the header part number.
PSoC 5LP GPIO Header (J8)
An 8x2 header is provided on the board to bring out several pins of PSoC 5LP to support advanced
features such as a low-speed oscilloscope and a low-speed digital logic analyzer (marked 5 in
). This header also contains the USB-UART bridge pins and USB-I2C bridge
pins, which can be used when these pins are not accessible on the Arduino headers because of a
shield connection.
KitProg USB Mini-B Connector (J10)
The KitProg (PSoC 5LP) connects to the PC USB connector through the Mini-B connector J10
(marked 2 in
), which can also be used to power the PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer
Kit. A resettable poly fuse is used to protect the computer's USB port from shorts and over current. If
more than 500 mA is drawn from the USB Mini-B connector, the fuse will automatically break the
connection until the short or overload is removed.