CY8CKIT-046 PSoC® 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. #: 002-03344 Rev. *D
Kit Operation
PSoC 4200L USB Mini-B Connector (J11)
: The USB Mini-B connector J11 connects the PSoC
4200L USB to the PC. This connector can be used to develop USB Full-Speed applications with
PSoC 4200L.
Audio codec (U3)
: The kit includes a Cirrus Logic
audio codec (WM8731CLSEFL) for convert-
ing the digital audio packets (via I2S) from the PSoC 4200L to the analog audio output and vice-
versa. The codec supports stereo audio output and stereo audio input. The kit also includes a
standard 3.5-mm audio jack to interface standard Tip-Ring-Ring-Sleeve (TRRS) headsets with a
Cypress Energy Harvesting PMIC (footprint only, U12)
: The kit includes a footprint (U12) for
S6AE101A, an Energy Harvesting PMIC from Cypress. The PMIC provides power to the EZ-BLE
PRoC Module, U8. The chip can harvest solar power when connected to a solar cell through J28.
Note that to use this chip, the EZ-BLE PRoC Module should be populated, L4/L3 should be
removed, and L5/L6 should be populated. The EZ-BLE PRoC Module can alternatively be pow-
ered from a coin cell through connector V1.
Arduino Shield-compatible Shield Board Power Header (J17)
: This is the Arduino shield-
compatible power header on the shield board.
Character LCD Header (footprint only, J23)
: The kit includes a footprint for a standard 2x16
character LCD header. The header is not populated by default.
Arduino Shield-compatible Shield Board I/O Headers (J18/J19/J20)
: The odd pins (Pin 1, 3,
5, and so on) on headers J17/J18/J19/J20 provide footprint compatibility for Arduino shield con-
nections. Along with the Arduino headers in the main board, this allows the kit to interface with
two Arduino shields simultaneously. When the shield board is snapped, the even pins (Pin 2, 4,
6, and so on) on headers J17/J18/J19/J20 can be used to convert the shield board into an Ardu-
ino shield with CapSense Gesture Pad, EZ-BLE, and µSD card, or Serial NOR Flash. See sec-
A.2.3.2 Using the Shield Board on page 72
for details on using the shield board as an
Arduino shield.
CapSense Proximity Headers (J22/J21)
: These headers are located next to the CapSense
Gesture Pad. They can be used as individual proximity sensors or can be used together to detect
CapSense proximity gestures. The code example,
, included with
this kit demonstrates the detection of wave up and wave down proximity gestures. Remember to
connect wires into the proximity headers before using the proximity functionality. Note that if
these inputs are not used for proximity sensing, then the connectors and the associated I/Os are
available for general-purpose use.
µSD Card Interface and Serial NOR Flash (footprint only)
: The kit includes a footprint (J25)
for a standard µSD card interface that can communicate with the PSoC 4200L over SPI. The
µSD card interface shares the footprint and SPI connection with a Cypress SPI NOR Flash
U13. Only one of the two can be used on the board at any time.
CapSense Gesture Pad
: The CapSense Gesture Pad is a five-element CapSense peripheral
and an eight-element radial slider specifically intended for touch gesture recognition and joystick
emulation. This peripheral can be used to detect swipe left, swipe right, swipe up, swipe down,
clockwise swipe, and counter-clockwise swipe gestures. In addition to the gestures, the Gesture
Pad can be used to implement an analog joystick. This implementation is discussed in
EZ-BLE PRoC Module (footprint only, U8)
: The kit includes a footprint for populating the
Cypress EZ-BLE PRoC Module. The kit also supports mounting a CMOD capacitor required to
develop CapSense applications using the EZ-BLE PRoC Module. The EZ-BLE I/O header
(marked 28 in
) provides access to the available EZ-BLE I/Os for develop-
EZ-BLE Programming Header (BLE PROG, footprint only):
The kit includes a footprint for a 5-
pin EZ-BLE programming header. This header can be used to program the EZ-BLE PRoC Mod-