The blinking column (shown as empty circles) indicates the workout is approximately half
over. The power required will stay the same for the next 90 seconds (six columns), then
• The Speedometer field to the right of the Workout Graph shows your current speed,
in miles or kilometers per hour. As with the distance traveled, this is calculated
based on the power required by an average cyclist on a road cycle on a level surface
Workout Summary
If you keep pedaling to keep the console lit after your workout, the Progress Indicators show
a summary of your workout. The summary display rotates three different values, or four if you
have the heart rate monitor option:
• The total distance you traveled in miles or kilometers.
• The calories you burned during the workout.
• Your average speed for the entire workout.
• If you have a heart rate monitor, your current heart rate. This lets you monitor your
recovery. You must continue to hold the handles (for a CardioTouch monitor) or stay
in the correct position (for a Polar monitor).
This display will continue as long as you keep pedaling.
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Cybex 700C Cycle and 700R Recumbent Cycle Owner’s Manual