How to use the system |
Attended coin sorter | 9
GENERAL DATA ENTRY and MEDIA DATA ENTRY sub-screens can be configured in Setup
for “Auto,” “on Demand” or “off.” When “on Demand,” they can be opened by operator
as needed when processing coin. When “Auto,” they open automatically at the start of a
new batch or sub-batch, or after pressing
, and data must be entered prior to
completing coin processing.
If screens do not open when selected, the feature may be set to “off.”
Touch-select (highlight) the ID box or other field to activate. Use touch-screen keyboard
to enter information
Use GEnERAL DATA EnTRY sub-screen
keypad for Batch and Sub Batch
declaration; select
to “post” the
information in the corresponding fields to
the left of the keypad. Enter ID data (User
ID button text) and A – D (custom) label
data directly into the appropriate fields.
Use MEDIA DATA EnTRY sub-screen
keypad to add custom media items
(e.g., checks, notes, rolled coin). Select
to “post” the information in the
corresponding fields to the left of the