System login and reporting |
Attended coin sorter | 25
1. Attendant
Access ATTEnDAnT MAIn MEnU SCREEn for reporting
and Business Day Clearing options.
2. Machine Status
Reports error condition of machine, if applicable.
3. Machine Status
Calendar Day Total, Reject Count, Bag Balance and
Denomination Totals.
4. Machine Details
Instructions for error resolution.
5. Clear
Appears when needed for error resolution.
6. Operator Screen
Returns operator to CoUnT screen.
7. Place Out of Service
Initiates “Temporarily out of Service” display.
8. Manually End
(not shown) Allows attendant to end the active
transaction and print report. Appears as needed for
error or machine condition resolution.
9. Footer
Shows date and time, current software version.
10. Administrator
not for operator use
11. Diagnostics
not for operator use
12. Setup
not for operator use