CUBICON Single Plus
User Manual
11-3. Auto leveling interface part maintenance
The extruder nozzle end part of Cubicon single plus touches interface part of heating bed and decides electric
current applying necessity. Also, it recognizes the interval between heating bed and nozzle and adjusts bed
height automatically. Therefore in the case of contaminants presence on heating bed interface part and nozzle
end part, auto leveling will be failed due to poor electric current application. Make sure to clean contaminants
for normal auto leveling operation.
3 points, which are indicated in red, in above picture, are used for auto leveling interface. The filament melts
and puffs and it causes pollution in the process of auto leveling of heating bed auto leveling interface. Auto
leveling failure occurs due to melted filament fixation in the case of not removing and neglecting pollution.
Make sure to clean the interface part with tweezers or scraper in prior to printing.
Above nozzle in the extruder picture is directly contacted part in auto leveling process. It basically proceeds
cleaning it printing process, but it gets carbonized easily due to filament staining in printing process. Make
sure to clean with a wire brush, which is equipped to an antistatic brush.