hoW To usE ThE pInhEad®-loCkIng sysTEM
(if mounted)
For easy adjusting or mounting and dismounting the rechargeable bat-
tery or the seat post
and the wheels
of your CUBE EPO pedelec
are fitted with a so-called Pinhead®-locking system. At the same time
the Pinhead®-locking system provides reliable theft protection for
these components. The Pinhead®-locking system should be handled
with greatest attention, as it directly affects your safety. Practise the
proper use of the Pinhead®-locking system to avoid any accidents.
Make sure the Pinhead®-locking system at the wheels is al-
ways on the side opposite the chain drive. Easy reach for
releasing and tightening is only given with the Pinhead®-
locking system on the side opposite the chain drive. At the
seat post the Pinhead®-locking system is on the right side.
With an insufficiently closed Pinhead®-locking system the
wheel can come loose, thus creating a serious risk of ac-
Never ride a CUBE EPO pedelec without having checked
the wheel and the seat post fastenings before you set off.
Risk of accident!
how to fasten Components securely with a pinhead®-locking
Apply the Pinhead®-key and make sure the three small pins of the
key engage snugly with the recesses of the Pinhead®-locking system
. Open the Pinhead®-locking system by turning the Pinhead®-key
Make sure the component to be fastened is in the accurate position.
For more information see chapters
“Check the wheels”
and “
ing and using your bike”
of your general CUBE handbook.
Thighten the Pinhead®-connection by turning the Pinhead® clock-
wise. To check the proper seat of the wheels lift the wheels, one after
the other, a few centimetres from the ground and hit the tyres from
above. If it is properly fastened, the wheel will remain firmly fixed in
the drop-outs of the frame or fork without producing any rattling.
Do not touch the rotor directly after having stopped – you
may burn your fingers! Always let the rotor cool down be-
fore opening the Pinhead®-locking system.
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11.05.2011 10:11:27