CSO S.r.l.
assumes responsibility for instrument compliance with European Directive 93/42/EEC and therefore for its performance, safety, and
CSO S.r.l.
would like to point out that all the components of the devices it produces are covered by insurance and full warranty for 24 (twen-
ty-four) months.
CSO S.r.l.
nevertheless declines said responsibility if:
- installation and start-up are not performed in accordance with the instructions and precautions set forth in this manual.
- the instrument is used in ways not in accordance with the instructions and precautions set forth in this manual.
- accessories and/or spare parts not supplied or recommended by
CSO S.r.l.
are used..
- repairs and safety checks are not performed only by competent, qualified, and suitably-trained personnel authorized by
CSO S.r.l.
- the electrical system of the instrument installation site does not comply with CEI standards and the pertinent laws and regulations in force.
CSO S.r.l.
also declines any and all responsibility for direct or indirect consequences or damage to persons and/or things deriving from impro-
per use of the instrument and/or from erroneous clinical evaluation of information derived from its use.
CSO S.r.l.
guarantees this product for a period of 24 months from date of invoice. This warranty includes replacement, at CSO, of compo-
nents and materials as well as relative labor. Shipping costs will be at the customer’s expense.
Parts subject to wear and/or deterioration during normal use (for example, lamps and fuses) and parts damaged by improper use or inade-
quate maintenance are not covered by warranty.
- Repair of damages caused by natural catastrophes, mechanical shock (dropping, crushing, etc.), defects in the user’s electrical system,
negligence, improper use, and/or maintenance/repairs performed using non-original materials and/or by persons not authorized by
CSO S.r.l.
- Any type of improper use or use not specifically intended by the manufacturer.
CSO S.r.l.
declines responsibility for any interruption or inefficiency in service due to causes or circumstances beyond its control. The custo-
mer shall in no case have any right to compensation for damages suffered as a consequence of the unavailability of the instrument.
To request technical assistance with maintenance, contact a technical assistance center or directly contact:
CSO s.r.l.
Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici
Via degli Stagnacci, 12/E
50010 Badia a Settimo - Scandicci , Firenze ITALIA
Phone: +39 055 722191 - FAX +39 055 721557