The symbol (barred waste can) shown in the figu-
re and found on the exterior of the instrument
indicates that the electrical and electronic parts of
the end-of-life instrument must be
and disposed of as special waste.
in accordance with Art. 13 of Leg. Decree No. 151 of 25 July 2005 implementing
Directives 2002/95/EC, 2002/96/EC, and 2003/108/EC concerning reduction of use
of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and disposal of
electrical and electronic waste.
The instrument you have purchased is made using particular materials and substances. It
may also contain substances having potentially dangerous effects on the environment
and human health if released into the environment by improper disposal.
To avoid releasing dangerous substances into the environment and in order to promote
conservation of natural resources, and should the user decide to dispose of an end-of-life
instrument, the manufacturer will facilitate re-use and recovery and recycling of the mate-
rials it contains.
Government agencies have adopted measures obliging users, distributors, and manufac-
turers to contribute to collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and
prescribes that such equipment find re-use or be recovered or recycled.
When disposing of the instrument, remember that disposal is regulated by precise
European and national laws and regulations that prescribe the following:
Do not dispose of as ordinary municipal waste.
For separate disposal contact a
company specialized in disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment or your local
waste disposal agency for information.
- If a new instrument is purchased from the same manufacturer to replace an end-of-life
instrument put on the market before 13 August 2005, of an equivalent type and perfor-
ming the same functions as the new device, the distributor or manufacturer is required
by law to take back the end-of-life device.
- If the user intends to dispose of a used device put on the market after 13 August 2005,
the distributor or manufacturer is required by law to take back the device.
- The manufacturer is responsible for transporting, treating, and recovering and/or recy-
cling any used equipment collected and for all relevant expenses.
Never forget that dangerous substances present in waste electrical and electro-
nic equipment and/or improper use of same or parts of same can have potential-
ly adverse effects on the environment and human health.
The instrument described
in this manual contains metal and plastic mechanical parts, electrical components, and
electronic circuit cards. The manufacturer is at user’s complete disposition for any infor-
mation requested regarding the dangerous substances contained in the instrument and
recovery and recycling procedures and/or the possibility of re-using the end-of-life instru-
Current legislation provides severe sanctions in the case of failure to respect disposal laws
and regulations in force.