Crystal Vision
CoCo104 User Manual R2.0
The 1U Indigo 1 or FR1AV frame will house six modules and a single power supply.
The 1U Indigo DT desk top box has a built-in power supply and will house up to two
On the 1U, 2U and 4U frames a hinged front panel gives access to the PSU and all
modules. The desk top box has a removable front. The universal frame wiring system
allows any of the interface range of modules to be fitted in any position with the use of
removable rear modules.
Applications include correcting computer-generated or post-production output and
ensuring broadcast colour gamut is always legal.
Processing modes
Advance/retard Y/C offset delay
Advance/retard overall horizontal delay (74ns increments)
Hue shift UV channels
Increase/decrease Y, U and V channel lift and gain independently
Set and soft limit Y channel positive (Hi) and negative (Lo) excursions
Set and soft limit U, and V channel positive/negative excursions symmetrically
Increase/decrease RGB channel lift and gain independently
Increase/decrease RGB gamma independently and together
Set and soft limit RGB channel positive excursions independently
Set horizontal and vertical active picture area cropping region on final output
Soft limiting
Soft limiting or clipping is provided by a combination of adjustable threshold and slope
controls. The luminance channel has both high and low limiting, whilst the UV and RGB
channels have one clipping control for each colour component. UV clipping operates
symmetrically about black level and RGB clipping is adjustable at the high level only.