Any access door alarms, eg Door Forced or Door left open too long, can cause keypad buzzers to beep
the alarm and/or outputs to turn on when in alarm via programming addresses
P6177E, P6178E, P6179E
The 24 hour Non-Latching zone type (P123E option 4) has been modified. Now the option is called a “Non
-latching” zone. If option 4 is turned on the zone will only activate when the associated area is armed but it
will reset automatically when it seals (just like the 24 Hour Non-latching option only when disarmed it will
not activate). By turning on Options 3 & 4 at P123E a 24 Hour Non-latching alarm is enabled and it will
work as it did previously. Also 24 hour zones reported as the incorrect zone number (the actual zone –1),
this has now been fixed.
A new
option 2
has been added at address
When option 2 is turned ON it marks the timezone as
dormant until woken by a user code or tag. An example is the front door of a building is set to automati-
cally unlock at the start of a timezone and lock when it ends. If the timezone is set to a dormant type the
door will not unlock until a valid user has accessed the building. Once the valid user has accessed the
building the door will unlock and remain unlocked until the timezone ends. Valid users are selected at the
new program location
A user is assigned to a timezone at P1032E and if that timezone is set to
be dormant it will not start until the user accesses the building.
Also when learning radio users, user tags or radio zones the right arrow would not allow access to the next
sequential user or zone, that has now been fixed.
Finally on the
web page there is the status page that shows assigned areas, zones and
outputs. Previously only the generic names appeared, eg area 1, zone 1 & outpu1, but now if custom
names have been programmed at addresses P31E, P69E & P169E they will appear beside the generic
There is also the activity page (memory events) which only showed the generic names for users, areas,
outputs, zones and keypads but now any custom names will also appear in the activity log along with an
abbreviated description of the device or user number in program mode, eg user 1 activity would appear as
(U1)John Smith to show both the user number and the custom name. If the user/zone/area/output and
keypad number information is not wanted, eg (U1, A1, O1, K1, Z1), then turning on option 8 at P25E18E
will stop that information from being displayed.
V270- Date 30-08-2017
The output reset time
has been increased from a maximum value of 9999 to 65535 seconds to allow
for longer output timing.
V271- Date 04-08-2017
If the panel is restarted following a firmware or configuration update and outputs were supposed to be
turned on by a schedule they would not come on automatically if the schedule was active. This was
changed at V263 to accommodate another feature but the auto-reinstatement of scheduled outputs at
power up has been added back in again.
V282- Date 24-11-2017
The options 3 & 4 at P72E allow the arming and stay arming to be turned off at any keypad. When arming
was inhibited at a keypad by turning off one of these options the disarming would still function. Two op-
tions have been added at a new program location P5070E. Option 1 enables Away mode disarm at the
keypad and Option 2 enables Stay mode disarm at the keypad. This now allows user codes and/or access
tags to be able to only arm or only disarm at certain keypads. In sites where there is an entry reader/
keypad and an exit reader/keypad the entry keypad can be set to disarm only and the exit keypad can be
set to arm only. Also when using an access tag or entering a code at a prox reader if the tag or code was
valid the keypad would produce a long error beep instead of the correct 3 short beeps. Now a valid tag or
code will produce 3 short beeps and an invalid tag/code will produce a long error beep.
V288- Date 18-01-2018
The panel can now support serial over IP for connection to central controllers and automation systems.
There is a new option at address P201E4E option 4. When turned on serial over IP (Ethernet port) is en-
abled. The serial IP port is programmed at address P201E13E. Normally any device making a TCP/IP
connection on the nominated port can communicate with the panel and receive the serial monitoring sig-
nals and control the panel by sending the serial commands (see the
serial over IP
document for
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