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V261- Date 22-06-2017
There was a bug when reporting using Patriot IP (type 6 at P182E). The zone/user field should be 3 digits
with a spacer digit added after that but the spacer digit was added at the front of those 3 digits which made
the zone/user field incorrect. That has been fixed in this version. Also the event code sent for output ex-
pander tamper was 354 which is incorrect. The panel now sends a 341 event code.
V268- Date 28-08-2017
There have been some new access control features added.
The first is an access door monitoring input,
. If the value is set to 0 for the selected zone then the
zone will work as a normal zone. If a value of 01-32 (linked output number) is programmed at this address
the zone now becomes a dedicated access control door monitoring input linked to the programmed output,
eg if output 10 was programmed for zone 20 (P6174E20E10E) that means zone 20 will monitor the state
of output 10. If zone 20 is unsealed when output 10 is not active (ie no valid access activity) a door forced
alarm will be created. If zone 20 is unsealed but output 10 is active (which can only happen with a valid
card access) then no alarm will be created but if zone 20 is still unsealed when output 10 is inactive (the
door should now be closed) a door forced alarm will be created. When zone 20 is sealed all alarms will
reset automatically however if monitoring is enabled the reports will still be sent.
The two new alarms “Door Forced” and “Door Left Open too Long” can be assigned to sound at a keypad
or operate an output. The new option
allows the “Door Open Too Long” alarm to be assigned to a
keypad buzzer and the new option
allows the “Door Forced” alarm to be assigned to a keypad
buzzer. The new option
allows the “Door Open Too Long” alarm to be assigned to an output and
the new option
allows the “Door Forced” alarm to be assigned to an output.
Still associated with the new access control feature is a new set of zone options at
Option 1 -
If turned ON it will make the zone an access door monitoring input. It will create a door
forced alarm if the output programmed at P6174E is not active when the input is unsealed and create a
door left open too long alarm if the output programmed at P6174E becomes inactive while the door is still
Option 2 -
If turned ON it sets the input to become a REX (Request to Exit) button linked to the
programmed output at address P6174E. When the zone is unsealed it will trigger the reset time for the
programmed output.
Option 3 -
If turned ON it sets the input to be an Egress Input. The egress input could be con-
nected to a switch that opens the associated door (eg a door override switch in reception). When the
Egress Input is triggered the output programmed at address P6174E will turn on, releasing the door. The
output will remain on once triggered. There are two ways to reset this state. The first is the output will turn
off as soon as the input is sealed again provided option 3 is turned on at the new program location
. If option 3 at
is off the output will latch on and must be reset by a valid user code. Only
user codes with
option 7
on at address
can reset an Egress input.
Option 4 -
If turned ON it sets the input to be a Global Fire Egress Input. When the Global Fire
Egress Input is triggered it will turn on all outputs associated with zones (P6174E) that are set to type 1-5
at address P6175E. The outputs will remain on once triggered until either the input resets or a code is en-
tered. Whether the outputs auto-reset or latch on can be set at the new program location
. If option
3 at
is off the outputs will latch on and must be reset by a valid user code. Only user codes with
option 7
on at address
can reset a Global Fire Egress input. If option 3 is on the outputs will reset as
soon as the input seals.
Option 5 -
If turned ON it sets the input to be a Global Egress Input. When the Global Egress Input
is triggered it will turn on all outputs associated with zones (P6164E) that are set to options 3, 4 or 5 at ad-
dress P6175E. The outputs will remain on once triggered until either the input resets or a code is entered.
Whether the outputs auto-reset or latch on can be set at the new program location
. If option 3 at
is off the outputs will latch on and must be reset by a valid user code. Only user codes with
tion 7
on at address
can reset a Global Egress input. If option 3 is on the outputs will reset as soon
as the input seals.
The new options at address
Option 1 -
If turned ON it will report “Door Forced” and “Door Left Open too Long” alarms as the
output number at P6174E not the zone number.
Option 2 -
If turned ON the zone will not appear in the zone list on the panel status web page.
Option 3 -
If turned ON any Egress inputs programmed at address P6175E will turn the outputs off
when the input seals. If this option is off any outputs turned on by an Egress input MUST be reset by a
valid user code.