Revision: 1.18
CrossFire IX – Freely Programmable - Data Logger Edition -
Programming Manual
To make the Arduino IDE find the Arduino core for ESP8266, the URL for the Arduino core for
ESP8266 (http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json) must be added
to the Additional Board Manager
The version of the Arduino core for ESP8266 can be checked in the Boards Manager.
In the menu under Tools/Board, make sure to select the NodeMCU 0.9 (this is not exactly right but
close enough).
To create a binary for CrossFire IX select Sketch/Export compiled binary. The binary can then be
downloaded to CrossFire IX using the CrossFire IX Tool.
For writing code running for the Wi-Fi slave processor, a separate Wi-Fi module (NodeMCU or
similar) can be used during development. This module contains an ESP8266 (same circuit as in
CrossFire IX) and a serial to USB converter. This can be handy as with a NodeMCU, code can be