Revision: 1.18
CrossFire IX – Freely Programmable - Data Logger Edition -
Programming Manual
address, BOOL async);
158Kb/s. This will take about 400ms.
unsigned char
EXTFLASH_ChipErase(BOOL async);
Erase the whole FLASH chip
unsigned char
EXTFLASH_Write(unsigned long
address, unsigned char *data, int
len, BOOL async);
Write to the FLASH memory. Note that the FLASH block
must be erased before write.
unsigned char
EXTFLASH_Read(unsigned long
address, unsigned char *buffer, int
Read from the FLASH memory
BOOL EXTFLASH_ReadID(unsigned char
*manufactId, unsigned char
Read the device and manufacturer ID from the External
FLASH. Should be manufacturer = 1 and deviceId = 15 for
standard SPI FLASH in CrossFire IX.
The Wi-Fi module
CrossFire IX data logger edition contains a Wi-Fi module (ESP-WROOM-02) connected to the
main processor through an UART. The Wi-Fi module contains a microcontroller with full TCP/IP
stack and can handle both TCP and UDP. The module is freely programmable and can do a number
of things, for example:
Send data to an IoT cloud service like ThingSpeak.
Set up a local webserver that can be used for administering or supervising the CrossFire IX.
Fetch data from internal or external web servers, for instance backups of machine
Send and receive UDP and TCP data in any form.
It is also possible to use the Wi-Fi module microcontroller as a generic slave processor, not
using the Wi-Fi functionality at all.
The Wi-Fi module can be programmed in several different ways:
Using the Espressif SDK
Using NodeMCU/LUA
Using Arduino core for ESP8266
CrossControl recommends the Arduino core for ESP8266. All CrossControl examples are based on
Arduino core for ESP8266.
The Wi-Fi module is connected to the main processor through an UART. The UART has a
communication speed of max 500kbit/s. This means that a transfer rate of about 40-50KB/s can be
reached between the IX main processor and the slave processor.
The Wi-Fi module can run in either 80 or 160 MHz. It is recommended to use 80 MHz for
maximum stability and lower power consumption.
There are a number of different examples available in the examples chapter. There are also a lot of
generic examples for ESP8266 on the Internet.
The most common functions for the WIFI module are: