Bandwidth and your Answering Machine
If you have a 14.4Kb modem and have your answering machine
enabled, when you are talking to a party on a Line and one or more
parties call and engage your answering machine, your answering
machine will play an OGM to each of the parties in the background.
This will degrade the audio performance of your conversation. It is
recommended that you disable your answering machine while talking
on your Creative Video Webphone .
1. Received audio is delayed and choppy.
This may happen if you have a bad connection to the Internet
and/or you are talking during a heavy traffic period on the Internet
(slow packet transmission because of diminished available
bandwidth). This is not a problem with Creative Video Webphone
but a natural phenomena associated with the Internet. If this is the
case, try reconnecting to the Internet or call at another time.
2. You cannot hear the remote party
If Creative Video Webphone always displays TALK and never
displays IN USE or LISTEN, then you must raise your Voice
Activation Level (the VOX slider in the flip door) so Creative
Video Webphone can detect silence and allow the remote party to
talk (this is will not be the case if both you and the remote party
have full duplex sound cards). If this is not the case and Creative
Video Webphone displays LISTEN when you would expect to
hear something from the remote party, check your Speaker volume
on the flip door and in your sound card’s mixer application. If you
still cannot hear the remote party and Creative Video Webphone
does not periodically display LISTEN, the remote party’s Voice
Activation Level or MIC volume is not set correctly. Use the TXT
button to launch the Text Board and tell them to adjust their MIC
and/or Voice Activation Level.
This manual downloaded from http://www.manualowl.com