© Copyright 2010, Creative Playthings
19794-300 Rev J (05-20)
Page 12
Step 8 — Porch End Stringers:
Locate the two End Stringers (AC). Be sure
not to confuse them with the three Central
Stingers which have a hole farther from the
Fasten the End Stringers to the Porch Cor-
ner Posts as shown, using 5/16 x 5-1/2" Hex
bolt Assemblies. The fastener should pass
through the lower hole in the Platform Front
or Back, the Post, and then the end of the
Porch End Stringers. Note the hole should be
slightly offset toward the top of the board.
Fasten the opposite end of each End String-
er to the Center Platform Support using one
5/16 x 5-1/2" Lag Screw and one 5/16".
Step 9 — Outside Stringers:
Install the Outside Stringers (F) to the inside of the front and rear Posts on the main tower. Attach each Outside Stringer
using two 5/16 x 5-1/2" Hex Bolt Assemblies as shown. The Hex Bolt should start from the outside of the Gym. Push each
bolt through the bottom hole in the Platform Front or Back and the Posts before passing through the Outside Stringer. Make
sure the platform ends and Outside Stringers are aligned across their bottom edges. (The holes in the Outside Stringers are
offset from the center of the board; you may have to flip the board to achieve proper alignment.)
Slightly offset
toward the top