Next, install any programs you will need. Since some of our computers are used to download shows via
FTP, I make sure I have an FTP client installed. I also install Adobe Reader and Flash Player. You cannot
forget to use an antivirus program as well. I highly recommend ESET NodAntiVirus32. Although if
you’ve already signed up for another program, use that. You can also change your computer’s
workgroup if that is something your market uses.
Very important: set the computer name to whatever it will permanently be (ASERV1, ASERV2, etc.). This
name is used along with the MAC address of the NIC in the Wheatnet-IP audio driver license key and if
you change the computer name after this driver license key is installed, it will stop working and you will
have to obtain and install another license key.
Initial Nexgen Installation
Once you have your programs installed and updates done you will need to install the Sentinel driver for
Install the installation package and do a custom install. Everything should have a red X except for
Sentinel System Drivers and either Parallel Driver or USB System Driver, depending on what you have for
your Nexgen license. If you are using the parallel key (“dongle”), make sure only the parallel driver is
installed. If using the USB key, both the USB and parallel driver must be installed.
To get Nexgen on the computer you will need your NexgenStart.vbs script. I always put mine in the
documents folder to start with because I do not want Nexgen coming up every time I reboot the
computer, at least not until the computer is ready to deploy. Hopefully everyone has a “spare” IP
address and license that can be used with Nexgen. We have two in Denver and that allows me to install
Nexgen on a spare computer and make sure I get everything working BEFORE we replace a computer.
Our spare license does not have anything other than Nexgen so unfortunately, we have to install
programs like Audio File Converter (“AFC”) after we trade the computer out.
If, after installing Nexgen, your audio server or workstation has trouble finding the Nexgen server, you
may need to add a line in the [NEXGEN] section of the wizard.ini file as follows:
Not all workstations require this, so you might try it without the line first. If you do use this config line be
sure that the proper network adaptor (or port on multi-port NICs) is 1, or else change the 1 to the
appropriate number. A “normal” installation would have Nexgen using adaptor or port 1 and WheatNet-
IP using adaptor or port 2.