15.8 Refit the two lynch pins into the scissor arms to secure the conveyor at full discharge height
and fasten with the locking ‘D’ Rings.
15.11 To start the conveyor, press the
Green start button on the starter box
attached to the conveyor
15.9 Connect the conveyor to the
transformer/power supply using
the yellow power cable supplied.
15.10 Switch on the power (Either
by switching on the transformer or
by plugging in the power lead to
the supply).
15.12 To stop the conveyor, first
ensure the belt is empty, press the
Red stop button on the starter box
15.13 In an emergency pull the
around the tail end of the conveyor
15.14 If the emergency stop has
been activated the system will need
to be reset on the yellow e-stop
control before the conveyor can be
operated again