Output current
of power supply
Fig. 2.4 Output side external capacitor connection method
Be careful that the output current of the power supply does not
exceed the rated current.
3 Functions
3.1 Input Voltage Range
Input voltage range of the power supplies is from 85VAC to
In cases that conform with safety standard, input voltage range is
100-240VAC (50/60Hz).
If input value doesn’t fall within above range, a unit may not oper-
ate in accordance with specifications and/or start hunting or fail.
If you need to apply a square waveform input voltage, which is
commonly used in UPS and inverters, please contact us.
3.2 Inrush Current Limiting
An inrush current limiting circuit is built-in.
If you need to use a switch on the input side, please select one
that can withstand an input inrush current.
Relay technique is used in the inrush current limiting circuit. When
you turn the power ON/OFF repeatedly within a short period of
time, please have enough intervals so that the inrush current limit-
ing circuit becomes operative.
When the switch of the input is turned on, the primary inrush cur-
rent and secondary inrush current will be generated because the
relay technique is used for the inrush current limiting circuit.
3.3 Overcurrent Protection
An overcurrent protection circuit is built-in and activated at 105%
or more of the rated current. A unit automatically recovers when a
fault condition is removed.
Please do not use a unit in short circuit and/or under an overcur-
rent condition.
Intermittent Operation Mode
Intermittent operation for overcurrent protection is included in a
part of series. When the overcurrent protection circuit is activated
and the output voltage drops to a certain extent, the output be-
comes intermittent so that the average current will also decrease.
3.4 Overvoltage Protection
An overvoltage protection circuit is built in. When overvoltage
protection operates, release it by shutting down input and re-input
after 10 seconds or setting the voltage of RC2 terminal to logic to
turn off output.
Note :
Please avoid applying a voltage exceeding the rated voltage to an
output terminal. Doing so may cause power supply to malfunction
or fail. If this is unavoidable, for example, if you need to operate a
motor, etc., please install an external diode on the output terminal
to protect the unit.
3.5 Thermal Protection
A thermal protection circuit is built-in.
The thermal protection circuit may be activated under following
conditions and shut down the output.
When a current and a temperature continue to exceed the val-
ues determined by the derating curve.
When a fan stops or air flow weakens by intake port or exhaust
port is blocked.
If the thermal protection circuit is activated, shut off the input volt-
age and eliminate all the overheating conditions. To recover the
output voltage, have enough time to cool down the unit before
turning on the input voltage again or setting the voltage of RC2
terminal to logic to turn off output.
3.6 External output voltage adjustment
To increase an output voltage, turn a built-in potentiometer clock-
wise. To decrease the output voltage, turn it counterclockwise.
When the VTRM_EN and COM terminals on CN3 are shorted and
the power supply starts up, the VTRM will be enabled. The output
voltage can be adjustable by external voltage applied between
VTRM and COM on CN1 or CN2. In this case, the output voltage
will be based on the calculation
. However, even if 3.0V or more
is applied, the output voltage cannot be changed 120% or more.
Do not set the external applied voltage of the terminal to -0.3V or
less, and 5.0V or more.
In order to make it variable, it is necessary to apply voltage from
the outside.
Output voltage [V] =
Rated output voltage [V]
The voltage between
VTRM and COM [V]
2.5 [V]
When the VTRM is enabled, the potentiometer for the output volt-
age adjustment will be disabled.
Switch the VTRM terminal, it is necessary to turn on the power
When using the external voltage control function, when the VTRM
terminal becomes open, the output voltage drops to around 0V.
When the output voltage is adjusted to less than the adjustment
voltage range, the output ripple voltage might increase.
AC-DC Power Supplies Enclosed Type
Instruction Manual