4.4.3 Printer settings
Press on the “Printer” icon on the bottom of the window to move to the next step of the process.
The Corning® Matribot® Bioprinter is equipped with a heated bed and an LED photocrosslinking module.
Enable and adjust the printbed temperature in the Printer settings. Use temperature control to keep the printbed at a certain
temperature, or turn temperature control Off to print at room temperature.
Enable and adjust the photocrosslinking parameters in the Printer settings.
1. Printbed temperature: Use this to activate
the printbed temperature control function.
2. Adjust printbed temperature: Adjust the
temperature of the printbed. When Off, the
printbed will be kept at room temperature.
3. Photocrosslinking: Use this to activate the
LED photocrosslinking module.
4. Height: Adjust the height at which the LED
photocrosslinking module will be activated.
5. Time: Adjust the exposure time.