CorDES Proprietary Information
This appendix describes the Application Programming Interface (API) for the Command
Messages and Status Response Messages supported by the CNDA-041G. A Python Class file
called "" provides the class definitions and associated methods to generate properly
formatted commands to control the unit over the remote management interface.
: The connection to the unit's remote management interface is made via a TCP/IP
socket connection. Command authentication is currently not required.
Command Messages
: This table enumerates the command message methods and parameters
required for the CDNA-041G. Each command is read and processed by the unit and returns a 1
on success and 0 on failure.
Command Name
1 remoteZeroize
Reserved: Future command. Can be enabled on customer request
2 saveConfigAndReboot()
Commands device to save configuration to flash memory, restart and apply any
new configuration parameters.
Parameters: none
3 setKeyBankConfig
Reserved: Future command
4 setMMI1_IP
Reserved: Future command
5 setMMI2_IP
Reserved: Future command
6 setMMI1_Password
Reserved: Future command
7 setMMI2_Password
Reserved: Future command
8 setMMI_Gateway
Reserved: Future command
9 setMMI_NetMask
Reserved: Future command
10 setMMI_Port
Reserved: Future command
11 setPTCH01_IP (address)
Command device to set the IP Address to Send & Receive to/from for PT
Channels[0] & [1].
address= Desired IP address <string>
12 setPTCH23_IP(address)
Command device to set the IP Address to Send & Receive to/from for PT
Channels[2] & [3].
address= Desired IP address <string>
13 setCTCH01_IP(address)
Command device to set the IP Address to Send & Receive to/from for CT
Channels[0] & [1].
address= Desired IP address <string>
14 setCTCH23_IP(address)
Command device to set the IP Address to Send & Receive to/from for CT
Channels[2] & [3].
address= Desired IP address in dot notation <string>
15 setPTCH01_NetMask(netmask)
Command device to set the NetMask for PT Channels[0] & [1].
netmask=Desired NetMask in dot notation<string>