Assembly Manual: Undercarriage
Revised 12.2019
Fig 123 - Hydraulic hoses
95. Connect two 3/4 x 152 inch (12’-8”) hoses
to the front and rear ports on the conveyor
belt valve.
96. Clamp the two hoses to the side of the main
frame tube using a clamp block.
97. Now, clamp the lift cylinder hoses on top of
the clamp block.
Fig 125 - Clamp the hoses
Fig 126 - Red rear reflector on axle
Fig 127 - Document holder
100. Fasten the document holder on the inside of
the lift arm, just up from the ball valve.
- Use self-tapping screws.
98. Store the 3/4 inch hoses until the tube is
installed on the undercarriage.
99. Apply red reflector strips to the back of
the axle beside the wheels.
Fig 124 - Valve Drawing